screenshots / George of the Jungle / 1997 Walt Disney Pictures

Starring as George of the Jungle, actor Brendan Fraser previously appeared as the caveman (Link) in 1992's Encino Man. He later starred in The Mummy trilogy (1999-2008) and as the title character in Dudley Do-Right (1999).

This live-action comedy was based on the 1967 animated television series of the same name which was a spoof of Tarzan.

Exterior filming locations included the islands of Kaua'i and Maui, Hawaii.

An interior jungle setting was constructed on a sound stage in Playa Del Rey, Los Angeles County, California.

Brendan Fraser (under the guidance of personal trainer Daniel S. Field) underwent a rigorous workout routine and diet to achieve the jungle-man physique required in transforming him into the vine-swinging hero.

The cast also included Richard Roundtree who co-starred in the 1975 film Man Friday based on the 1719 novel Robinson Crusoe.

Thomas Haden Church would later appear in 2012's John Carter, based on the first book (A Princess of Mars) in the Barsoom series of novels from Tarzan creator Edgar Rice Burroughs.

In June of 1997, prior to the film's July release, Brendan Fraser hosted the "Tarzan Adventures", a four-day marathon of classic Tarzan films in addition to the Investigating Tarzan one-hour documentary on the AMC (American Movie Classics) Cable Network.

A direct-to-video sequel, George of the Jungle 2, was released in 2003 with actor Christopher Showerman replacing Brendan Fraser as George of the Jungle.