screenshots / Sacrifice! (aka: The Man From Deep River) / 1972 Roas Produzioni
Original Italian title: Il paese del sesso selvaggio (The Country of Savage Sex).
The film's plot of a white man who is incorporated into a tribe (that originally held him captive) is similiar to the 1970 western A Man Called Horse.
Star Ivan Rassimov would go on to appear in two more cannibal theme films: Last Cannibal World (1977) and Eaten Alive! (1980).
Director Umberto Lenzi would later helm 1980's Eaten Alive!, 1981's Cannibal Ferox and also the 1983 prehistoric epic (credited on screen as Humphey Milestone) Ironmaster.
Considered as being the "first cannibal film", the production filmed on locations in Thailand.
Warning: this film contains disturbing and unnecessary scenes of on-screen animal cruelty and slayings.
Ivan Rassimov passed in 2003 at the age of 64.