screenshots / Samson and the Mighty Challenge / 1964 Films Regent

The film's original title upon release was Ercole, Sansone, Maciste e Ursus gli invincibili (Hercules, Samson, Maciste, and Ursus: the Invincibles).

Bodybuilder actor Alan Steel played Hercules. His previous film credits include Hercules Against the Moon Men (1961) and Hercules and the Masked Rider (1963)

Actor Howard Ross (Maciste) also had roles in Hercules the Invincible (1964), Gladiators Seven (1964) and Hercules Against the Barbarians (1964).

Samson was portrayed by actor Nadir Moretti (credited as Nadir Baltimore) whose other film appearances include Hercules Against the Mongols (1963) and Hercules of the Desert (1964).

Cast as Ursus, actor Yann Larvor previously appeared in The Colossus of Rhodes in 1961.

This sword and sandal classic may perhaps be best known as the movie screened in a theater and (due to an error in film prints) becomes subject to English 'dubbing' in the Australian 1993 hit comedy film Hercules Returns.